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Our candidates get higher paid jobs more quickly, with less effort.

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Profile pictures of real reviews

50+ Reviews

From real people, with real results


Average compensation increase over 10 years
as reported by candidates

222.8 hours

Average time saved on jobsearch
‍‍as reported by candidates

3.1 months

Average speed increase
as reported by candidates

Our Process

You need to be Relentless on the job hunt.

That’s why you have us - we will get you interviews without needing you to lift a finger and support you with passing those interviews and negotiating like a pro.

One-on-one coaching

Get a professional resume

Interviews on your calendar

Land your dream job

We help you identify the best role to target

We help you figure out the best possible opportunities for you to target at this stage of your career.

We get you interviews without needing you to lift a finger

We revamp your resume, apply to jobs for you, and send hiring managers personalized messages to request an interview for you.

We coach you to pass interviews

We'll teach you our best practices on how to pass every stage of the interview process based on hundreds of searches.

We push you to negotiate the highest-paid job offer

We'll give you the best insights on how to push for the highest possible compensation based on data from hundreds of searches.

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Success stories

Hear what our alumni have to say

Hear what our alumni have to say

Our candidates get interviews or offers at companies like..

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Relentless.. where busy, ambitious job seekers go to get their next role.

Here are some of our previous candidate success stories and where they are at now.

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Candidates pay Relentless twice

Initiation fee

We charge an initiation fee to cover the cost of running your search until you land your next job.

This includes the time we spend advising you on what job to target, helping you with your resume, finding you job opportunities, applying to jobs for you, emailing thousands of hiring managers for you, scheduling interviews for you, serving you a calendar filled with interviews without needing you to lift a finger, and interview and negotiation support.

It also includes unlimited access to the email we use to contact thousands of hiring managers for you, until you land your next job.

Success Fee

We charge a 1-time success fee after you accept an offer, approximately amounting to 10% of first year salary.

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Transparent pricing

What is a 20% salary increase worth to you?

Kick Off Fee to Launch Your Search

This fee covers initial onboarding, interviews generated for you, and coaching to support you throughout the process.

We take 10% of your first year’s salary.

Our income sharing agreement is only for the first year, unlike other ISA’s in the market.

$0 after the first year.

After your last payment you own us nothing more. We hope you are enjoying your unlocked potential.

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Thumbnail image of Yanis

Yanis Romero's Success Story

Yanis doubled her compensation and went from $130K to $285K a year, plus got a job she loves!

Watch her story
A graph showing why Relentless is better for career growth

What you get

An icon representing interviews without applying

Interviews without applying

We will find jobs, apply to them, email recruiters, and book interviews without needing you to lift a finger.

An icon representing 20 interviews minimum

Interview & negotiation help

We help you pass interviews and negotiate the highest possible compensation.

An icon representing several job offers

A supportive community

Running your own job search is lonely, frustrating, and painful. We get you a community of other elite job-seekers

An icon representing a relentless career coach

An answer to the question “What job should I target?”

You'll get access to a database that shows you real-time data on what jobs are generating the most interviews, the highest compensation values, and are fastest to get in this market.

An icon representing a professional resume

An answer to the question “How should my CV look?”

You'll get access to a database that shows you the exact CVs / resumes other candidates used, the number of interviews they got, and the total compensation they got.

An icon representing a compensation increase

A high potential compensation increase

Some of our candidates walk away with higher compensation than their previous roles.

Read our blog

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We’ve partnered with 1000+ ambitious jobseekers. Let us partner with you.

Apply now to start the process. No commitment, fast survey, invaluable results.

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Still have questions? Check out our FAQs below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your testimonials are awesome. Will I get the exact same results?
Great question!

Not necessarily.

The results you get on your job search (whether you run it with or without Relentless) depend on several factors, including the following:

1. Labor demand: How many employers are hiring for your target role? More demand is better.
2. Labor supply: How much competition exists for your target role? Less competition is better.
3. Your skillset: How skilled are you in your target role? More skilled is better.
4. Marketing quality: How well-written is your resume & pitch? More well-written is better.
5. Sales quality: How skilled are you at interviewing and negotiating? More skilled is better.

Relentless can help you move in the right direction with all of these factors. 

For example:
- We can help with factor 4 “Marketing quality” because we’ve helped hundreds of people with resumes & pitches.
- We can help with factor 1 “Labor Demand” because we’ve coached hundreds of people to identify higher demand roles to target with their skillset.

However, we can’t predict your exact search outcomes.

This means we cannot predict how long your search will take, how many interviews or offers you’ll receive, or what your total compensation would be.
Does Relentless guarantee job offers?

When you partner with Relentless, you partner with an organization that wants to support you for the rest of your career.

If we do well enough on your first job search, we know we’ll earn the privilege to support you again.

When you sign up with Relentless, your initiation fee covers the amount of work Relentless needs to do to:

1. Help you pick a role to target based on real-time data on what jobs are easiest to land
2. Help you rewrite your resume based on real-time data on what resumes are getting the most interviews
3. Find all the jobs that exist for your target role in that year
4. Apply to them for you
5. Email the thousands of hiring managers and recruiters that posted the jobs
6. Schedule interviews for you
7. Teach you best practices for interviewing and negotiation

As a Relentless candidate, you get unlimited access to the email we use to contact the thousands of hiring managers and recruiters until you land your next job.
Can you tell me more about your pricing model? 
Of course!

Relentless has a split pricing model where we charge candidates twice:

1. Initiation fee: We charge an initiation fee to cover the cost of running your search until you land your next job.

This includes the time we spend helping you with your resume, finding you job opportunities, applying to jobs for you, tailoring your resume to jobs, emailing thousands of hiring managers for you, sending linkedin messages to hiring managers for you, scheduling interviews for you, serving you a calendar filled with interviews without needing you to lift a finger, and interview and negotiation support.

It also includes unlimited access to the email we use to contact thousands of hiring managers for you, until you land your next job.

2. Success fee: We charge a success fee after you accept an offer. Most of our pricing is only charged after an offer is accepted to align incentives with candidates.
Does Relentless guarantee offers?
Relentless partially guarantees offers.

Your deposit covers the cost of us running your search including the time we spend onboarding you, helping you redo your resume, finding you job opportunities, applying to jobs for you, emailing hiring managers, scheduling interviews for you, coaching you to pass interviews, and coaching you to negotiate your worth. However, it does not guarantee an offer.

Your success fee guarantees an offer. It’s only charged after an offer is accepted and represents the bulk of the price you’ll pay to Relentless. That offer is insured by Relentless for up to 60 days so should you lose it, we'll be there to land you another offer.

This is done to align incentives with candidates.
Where does Relentless's alumni work?
Relentless's past candidates and many of our followers work at hundreds of companies across the US including several Fortune 500s, top technology companies, and venture-backed startups.
I have more questions. Who can I speak to?
Email us at or use the Apply Now button on the top right to meet a team member for a free consultation.